2020 and 2021 proved to be unprecendented years for Scouting.
In March 2020, face-face Scouting was suspended for the first time ever by our parent organisation The Scouting Association meaning that as a Scout Group we were unable to do all the things we love doing.
Well, were unable to do them in the usual ways, but as Scouts, we're never ones to be beaten, so we rolled up our sleeves and used our spirit and resilience to turn a negative into a positive.
We had to learn new ways of Scouting, helping others, and even how to run virtual camps and campfires!
We met online, we dide scavenger hunts, and we cooked and cleaned.
We camped indoors and outdoors.
We ran a virtual campfire.
Our Young People earned over 350 badges during the Lockdown period.
Between Easter 2021 and December 2021 we continued to follow Government legislation and guidance from The Scout Association, and adapt our programme to include social distanced activities, outdoor only activities and to accomodate restrictions including bubbles of members, and face coverings.
Since January 2022, we have been operating as normal without restrictions but continue to be COVID aware.
All of our risk assessments can be accessed here, and these reflect any current COVID-19 control measures where applicable.